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Many a tale has been spun amongst seafarers and those who call islands & coasts their home. Stories of a goddess so spiteful, greedy, vain, and cruel; That most of her worship is caused by fear than admiration. To some she is the Queen of the Deep, to the audacious she is the Bitch Queen. But one way or another; all know the powerful wrath of Umberlee, goddess of the sea and the cruelty that comes with it.

Umberlee's clergy is born more out of not wanting to draw her ire than in hopes of earning her favor. Seeing as even the most devoted are not truly safe from suffering her teachings. The Bitch Queen is a greedy goddess, demanding great sacrifice and tithings in payment of her potential mercy/services. 

Her teachings are simple. The ocean is cruel and unpredictable, able to crush and drown those audacious enough to traverse it at the drop of a hat. If one is going to dare intrude on her domain, they are to pay her the proper tribute and respect. As they are at her mercy, and she seldom gives it.

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