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Necklace (Steel Grade): Amongst Timothy's swagger and bling is a necklace that dangles toward his chest, boasting what seems to look like three pearls that glisten a radiant amber color. This is the effigy he uses to embrace & enforce Umberlee's power, allowing him to wield spells granted by his Goddess.

Dagger (Iron Grade): What good is a cutthroat without a tool to cut throats with? The cold metal blade is curved and shined to a mirror finish, and the handle is adorned with writhing tentacles that leads to an octopus head pommel.

Flintlock Pistol (Iron Grade): A weathered smoothbore pistol that Timothy nicked off a crewmates' drowned corpse before he arrived to stranger lands. Sure it's not the most accurate or devasting of weaponry, but it had served the previous owner well enough and its better than nothing.

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